Friday, February 2, 2007

Session 4: Technology Diffusion

My Understanding of Technology Diffusion

This week topic concerns the diffusion of technology. The innovation adoption bell-shaped curve of Everett Rogers is a model that classifies of innovators into various categories, and based on the idea that contains individuals is inevitably more open to adaptation than others. It is also referred to as Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The percentages of innovators are divided into five groups along the curve. These groups are:
Innovators: Brave people who pulling the change.
Early Adaptors: Respectable people, opinion leaders, try out new ideas, but in a careful way.
Early majority: Thoughtful people, they are careful but accepting change more quickly than the average.
Late Majority: Skeptic people, who will use new idea or product only when the majority uses it.
Laggards: Traditional people, caring for the “old ways” are critical towards new idea and will only accept it if the new idea has become mainstream or even tradition.
Everett Roger’s research indicated that the spread of a new technology depends mainly on two factors; innovation and imitation. Innovators are driven by their desire to try new technologies or methods. The likelihood of an innovator using a new technology does not depend on the number of other users. On the other hand, imitators are primarily influenced by the behavior of their peers. The likelihood of an imitator embracing a new technology or new way of doing work is dependent on the number of people who are already using it.
After understanding the Innovation Theory, I know that I belong to the fifth category on Everett Roger curve, the laggards group. I am also the imitator. For example, I had too many chances to set up a web-site in the past. I know all along that a web site is a powerful tool, especially in my career. I can do many good “things” with it. May be… I am lazy? No, I do not think so. For years, I have been collecting many related URLs to my automotive work. I have been planning on which URL I will use for each lesson and for performance task. I spent many hours to learn which software and the process to build a web site therefore; I cannot say that I have no time or lazy. I always tried to find ways to get around using the technology in doing automotive work. Until about a year ago, I had a chance to take EVOC 519. This course is about integration of computer technology and educational software. It turned me around. From then on I started to apply all the basic computer skills which I obtained. To have a web site for myself is always a challenge for me. My excuse is always “It has nothing to do with mechanic.” I know that I lied to myself.
This quarter, I have a chance to learn to set up a blog site in ETEC 623 class. To take advantage of this class, I volunteer to set up a web site as one of my project. I was approved by the instructor to set up a web site as one of my required project. I will push myself to complete this task. According to Everett Roger theory, since I am probably the last one to have my own web site, then I can say that I am also an imitator. I am influenced by every instructor around me who already have their own web site.

January 29 to February 04, 07 Activities and Log

Monday through Friday:
Listen to podcast and take note.
Thinking and writing a draft on this topic
Discussing the AC recycling system with AC instructors to find out which system they would like to buy
Write a proposal to my Dept. Chair to buy AC Recovery/Recycling System
Arranging the lessons and task sheets of Basic Auto Mechanic 100 course
Try to find the appropriate words in the lessons to link to the URLs or pictures
Experimenting with Dreamweaver software
Try out a web site with
I bought Microsoft Office 2007 and Window Vista Tuesday (trying to be Early Majority), and all I have is headache since. My PC is not functional still (I should stay with the Laggards). Fortunately, my lap top saves me from lagging behind on my work.
The Microsoft Office 07 also offers a free web site. After learning to navigate this new software, I will experiment with this offer to compare with others.
Finalizing the draft of this week topic and post it to night
Read other scholars posting and post comments
Trying to figure out how to link from my blog site to my web site
When I know how, I will post the links of my three projects’ progress from the blog to the PLEASE GO TO THE LINK ON THE SIDE BAR TO CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE. (02/04/07)


Brian Newberry said...

I really like what you have done with the look of your blog! You will find that developing a website is easier than ever before, and it is something worth doing.

As for Windows Vista... I learned a long time ago to NOT be an early adopter of Windows software!

Good luck!

RFLORES said...

Hello Dee,

In your blog discussion you see yourself as a laggard. Please note that sometimes personal and situational circumstances bring us to levels in innovation where we do not feel we should be or normally belong. This is alright, for we should not feel as though we are "competing with the Jonesses'."
Also, we should not feel pressured to be always in the top position of Innovators. Sometimes we will fall in the pit and sometimes we will soar high. It all depends on what is going on at a particular point in our life, for this is sometimes just the way things are.
The important thing is: do not become perennially stuck on any of these levels of technology adaptation.

James said...


I think you are transforming from the laggard group to an early adopter in the near future. You will be using more technology and learning how to debug Vista before you know it!

I like your blog site. It looks really good.


Rosa said...

Hi De,

I think your best asset is that you evaluate yourself and know where you are and what you can do to accomplish the goals you set. I like your approach to things and the drive you display. Not one person knows technology by osmosis. It takes wanting to learn and putting in the time to learn it. You are doing great.

As far as Windows Vista goes, I agree with Dr. Newberry, I rather wait until they work out all the kinks ;-)

Michele said...

your site looks great! It seems like you are transforming by the minute.